Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chakra Clearing with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Everyone probably heard about chakras and importance of the energy flowing effortlessly through them. Whenever you're feeling less than perfect, chakra clearing might help - it's really simple and it takes less than nine minutes...


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

EFT Tapping - Create Abundance & Re-code Your Mind!

Another interesting introduction and explanation of EFT. Recommended to everyone who is still not sure about tapping or want to understand more about how and why EFT worked and why we have so many negative emotions that steer our lives in directions we would never consciously choose.

EFT Tapping - Create Abundance Affirmations

Recommended (by the author) to do every morning and every evening for a month - and see the difference.

To make it easier for you, there's a transcript of abundance affirmations below the video.

EB – I’m grateful that my immune system detoxes me so easily every night while I sleep
SE – I’m grateful that my body knows how to keep me healthy and happy
UE – I’m grateful that I’m full of energy and confidence
UN – I’m grateful that I find every challenge easy and enjoyable
UM – I’m grateful that I’m in control and I love feeling abundant in every way
CB – I’m grateful that I love and accept myself just the way I am
UA – I’m grateful that I’m loved and supported by all around me

EB – I’m grateful that I’m a good person and I deserve my health, happiness and my wealthy future
SE – I’m grateful that my body is feeling stronger and healthier every day
UE – I’m grateful that my back is stronger, straighter and more flexible every day
UN – I’m grateful that every day I can eat what I want, when I want and digest it with ease
UM – I’m grateful that my throat is healthy and helps me communicate with people every day
CB – I’m grateful that I’m perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit
UA – I’m grateful that I have all the energy I need to accomplish my daily goals

EB – I’m grateful that my body is healed, revitalized and filled with energy every day
SE – I’m grateful that I’m in control of my health and wellness
UE – I’m grateful that I’m healthy in all aspects of my being
UN – I’m grateful that I’m always able to maintain my ideal body weight no matter what I eat
UM – I’m grateful that my mind is at peace and I love who I am
CB – I’m grateful that I love and care for my body and it returns it to me one hundred times
UA – I’m grateful that I have a healthy heart and a strong set of lungs

EB – I’m grateful that I believe in myself because I’m good at what I do
SE – I’m grateful that I’m always in the right place at the right time
UE – I’m grateful that I manifest money easily and I deserve my abundant life
UN – I’m grateful that I have abundant energy, vitality and wellbeing every day
UM – I’m grateful that money flows easily to me
CB – I’m grateful that I love the freedom and joy that money brings into my life
UA – I’m grateful that I’m good enough to ask for what I want because I deserve it

EB – I’m grateful that I am in harmony with wealth and abundance
SE – I’m grateful that I deserve the very best because I am worth it
UE – I’m grateful that I trust my intuition which guides me effortlessly every day to make the right decisions
UN – I’m grateful that my sleep is relaxed and refreshing every night
UM – I’m grateful that I wake every morning feeling energized, happy and loving
CB – I’m grateful for my ability to forgive and let go
UA – I’m grateful for my brilliant self - I’m growing beyond belief!
TH – I love myself unconditionally and I’m grateful for my strength, courage and determination to succeed


Monday, April 28, 2008

Law of Attraction - Activation with EFT

Inspiring video, worth watching - even if you're not ready to try EFT yet.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Introduction to EFT with Bob Doyle

Intro to EFT but this one is different because Bob Doyle is not an EFT practitioner but just someone who uses it and deeply believes in it - after at first having a lot of resistance to try tapping for the first time...


Saturday, April 26, 2008

EFT Documentary Film - Try It On Everything

A documentary on EFT, energy therapy, abundance and physical and emotional trauma. EFT was founded by Gary Craig and the film features energy and abundance experts - Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Carol Look, Joe Vitale, Cheryl Richardson and more.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Depression EFT - Basic Tutorial

This video below is a great introduction tutorial especially if you're new to Emotional Freedom Technique - high quality video, too!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Red and Green Tea

Red Rooibos tea and Yerba Mate green tea from Mountain Rose in Bodum Pavina thermal double wall glasses


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Red Rooibos Tea

If you haven't tried making and drinking real - loose tea instead of boring tea bags yet, let me tell you - using loose tea is an experience every serious tea-lover can really appreciate. Just the fact that you measure the right quantity of herb to make an aromatic, all natural, healthy beverage, as strong or as mild as you like - makes brewing your daily cup of tea a relaxing, pleasing and special time.

I prefer making my tea in Bodum Pavina Double Wall Thermal Glasses. That way I can (beside the taste) enjoy the color and consistency of all the different kinds of tea I brew every day.

Anyhow, this post is about the Red Rooibos Tea and I wanted to tell you what's so special about it that it made me decide to spread the word about it right now. The first thing I notice is that once it's strained, it looks thicker. It's probably just the way it moves while I'm carrying the glass of Red Rooibos Tea up the staircase. It might sound silly to some but I was quite amazed with that sight.

And then, when I drink it, it has that special silkiness to it that I've never noticed in any other kind of tea before. Charming... :)

There's more to the Red Rooibos Tea and if you purchase it HERE the quality is guaranteed. I know, I drink it myself!

About Red Rooibos Tea from Mountain Rose:

  • from the highest mountain peaks of South Africa

  • Fair Trade Certified

  • organic

  • has unsurpassed natural sweetness

  • smooth and succulent with an aromatic after taste

  • very high in anti-oxidants, trace minerals, and nutrients

  • does not contain caffeine

On top of all these great characteristics, listed above, it is also good for everyone, according to the GenoType diet.

red tea


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

EFT with

Doing some more research on the topic, I discovered that has loads of information about Emotional Freedom Technique, including articles, ebook Tap Yourself Free, success stories and - the best of all - lots of great videos to tap away quite a few kinds of emotional and other issues you might be dealing with right now or maybe learn to understand more about the Emotional Freedom Technique, how it works, why it works and how you could use it to your own benefits.

Videos are all free to use and include:

  • Introduction to Tapping

  • The Science of Tapping

  • Self Acceptance

  • Killing Procrastination

  • Stress Relief

  • Waking Up

  • Insomnia

  • Overcoming Depression

  • Anger Management

  • Forgiveness

  • Quit Smoking

  • Memory Release

  • Chakra Clearing

So again, if EFT resonates with your heart or you 've already found it greatly beneficial, here's an EFT page that is (in my opinion) a must:



Monday, April 21, 2008

Powerful Promoting Tips from Powerful Promoter

If you haven't signed up for Matt's Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you are really missing out...

Click the link below, they are free of charge:

EFT for More Money, Wealth and Abundance! Part 3 of 3

Tap with guidance from this video only after completing Part 1 and Part 2 from the series!

Part 3: Money discomfort

Here is the complete script from the video:

Abundance just isn't in the cards for me,
Abundance just isn't in the cards for me,
Because of my gender,
Or my age,
Where I live,
Or any other reason
I choose to come up with,
And I can come up with lotsa reasons,
To prove that I am right,
God, I love to be right!
Even if it leaves me miserable,
I find miserable joy in being right,
Maybe I could let that go,
Maybe I'm mistaken,
Maybe it's true,
That I have as much right,
To attract and allow abundance,
As anyone else,
No matter what they do,
No matter if their gender is different,
No matter what the differences are,
There's one thing that's the same,
We're both Children of the Universe,
We're both Children of the Universe,
We're both made up of energy,
In the same way,
We're both connected,
To Universal Abundance,
In the same way,
Anyone who has made more money than me,
Or who has made it quicker than I have,
Has the same attachment,
The same connection,
That I do,
Everything is energy,
I am energy,
These other people are energy,
Money is energy,
Everything is energy,
As far as the Universe is concerned,
There's no difference,
The only difference,
Is in my mind,
I choose to change my mind,
It's safe to change my mind,
It's safe to change my mind,
And as I change my mind,
The discomfort relaxes,
I become more comfortable,
I'm comfortable with the idea of money,
And why not?
There are lotsa things in this world,
That I am absolutely comfortable with,
And they're just energy,
Just like I am energy,
Just like money is energy,
From the Universe's perspective,
There's no difference,
So if I'm comfortable with one thing,
I can be comfortable with money,
If the Universe doesn't know the difference,
I choose to not know the difference,
I choose to be comfortable with it all,
And there's plenty of things in my life,
That I expect,
I expect it on a daily basis,
And those things that I expect,
Are just energy,
Like money,
So why not expect that too,
I choose to expect abundance,
It's also true,
That upsets,
Are when expectations aren't met,
So I can also let go of my expectations,
Maybe if I let go of the expectations,
I can let go of all the discomfort,
Maybe it's not that I don't expect money,
But rather that I expect lack,
And the upset there,
Comes from an expectation being met,
I choose to let go of the expectation,
I choose to just be comfortable,
I choose to know that abundance is all around me,
And the Universe doesn't care,
Whether I have it,
Versus someone else having it,
Bill Gates,
Doesn't have any more of an "in",
With the Universe,
Than I do,
He just doesn't have this discomfort about money,
I'm letting go of mine,
Letting go of my reasons,
Letting go of my excuses,
About why I can't expect money,
About why I expect I won't have it,
So that I can ease this discomfort,
And be completely comfortable with the idea of money,
Joyfully and gratefully being comfortable about money.

Check out

Use Emotional Freedom Technique to tap away your negative beliefs around Wealth and Abundance.

This video is based on an EFT script by Brad Yates, who put together a programme with Joe Vitale from The Secret. It's a very powerful way to clear your resistance to bringing more money into your life.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

EFT for More Money, Wealth and Abundance! Part 2 of 3

Make sure you do the Part 1 first (before moving on to this Part 2)!

Part 2: Money discomfort

Here is the complete script for this video:

All this money discomfort
All this money discomfort,
All this money discomfort,
All this money discomfort,
All this money discomfort,
All this money discomfort,
I'm just not comfortable with money
I'm not fully comfortable with the subject of money,
I just don't expect money,
Part of me believes in abundance.
I think I know it's out there,
An unlimited amount,
I'm OK with that idea,
I just don't expect it for myself,
I can't expect for myself,
It's not safe to expect it,
Because when I expect something,
I set myself up for disappointment,
I don't wanna' get my hopes up,
I don't wanna' get my hopes up,
I don't wanna' get my hopes up around money,
My fear about doing this tapping,
Is I'll get all excited,
About the possibility of attracting lotsa' money,
And I'll be setting myself up,
For a huge disappointment,
I don't wanna' be disappointed,
My history shows,
That a lot of money doesn't come my way,
Given my experience,
Why would I expect abundance,
Why would I expect abundance,
Even if I know there's a lot out there,
I don't expect it for myself,
I expect it for Donald Trump,
I expect it for Bill Gates,
I just don't expect it for myself,
Based on my history,
I haven't attracted it before,
Neither did my mom,
Or anyone else I choose to look at,
Who didn't allow abundance,
At least not in comparison with someone else,
I can look at my parents,
And see that one made more than the other,
Is it necessary,
For me to identify,
With the one who made less,
Just because we're the same gender,
I can identify with either,
I can choose,
To identify with anyone I like,
In many ways,
I may want to identify,
With Bill Gates,
And if I did that,
I could expect an abundance of money,
I could choose,
To identify with Bill Gate
And expect to manifest a fortune,
I mean, why not?
I can do these things,
And if things don't show up right away,
I have a tool to deal with disappointment,
I have a tool to deal with disappointment,
I don't need to be disappointed,
All these delays,
Are not denials,
So how long should I wait,
If it's not there in five minutes,
Am I allowed to be disappointed?
If the Lottery Department,
Doesn't call me,
Ten minutes after this tapping session ends,
Am I justified in being disappointed?
And once again deciding,
I have no business expecting wealth,
'Cause that's a decision I made a long time ago,
I can't expect wealth,
But I love to be right,
So I've proven myself right many times,
Abundance doesn't show up,
At least not the way I want it to,
Or in the time frame I want it to,
And I get to be right,
I just can't expect abundance,
I don't know why I bother,
I don't know why I bother,
I don't know why I bother,
Abundance just isn't in the cards for me

Take a look at

Use Emotional Freedom Technique to tap away your negative beliefs around Wealth and Abundance.

This video is based on an EFT script by Brad Yates, who put together a programme with Joe Vitale from The Secret. It's a very powerful way to clear your resistance to bringing more money into your life.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

EFT for More Money, Wealth and Abundance! Part 1 of 3

Here's some more advanced tapping with a very specific target: to tap away your negative beliefs around Wealth and Abundance. Try at your own risk... :)

Part 1: Money discomfort

Here is the complete script for this video:

Even though I am uncomfortable around money,
I deeply and completely love and accept myself,
Even though I've got all this money discomfort,
I deeply and completely love and forgive myself,
Even though I've got all this money discomfort,
When I think about money,
There's all kinds of issues that come up,
I really like the idea,
That there's unlimited abundance,
But I can't believe it completely,
I'd like to go fishing,
And I'm pretty sure the fish are out there,
But I'm not sure I expect them to bite,
Maybe I believe in abundance,
I just don't expect it for myself,
And I have a lot of reasons for that,
A lot of fear about that,
I have a lot of fears,
That abundance might not be that great for me,
That I can't handle it,
I have a lot of fears,
That it's not there for me,
'Cause I'm a women,
Or any other excuse I have,
And these are based on past incidents,
I didn't come up with these ideas on my own,
Someone else gave them to me,
And I bought them as the truth,
And the truth is,
These things aren't true,
I am just as welcome to abundance,
As the next person,
And I can expect it,
And the more I clear myself,
The more I allow it,
And the more I can expect it,
And even though I've got this money discomfort,
I deeply and completely,
Love and forgive and accept myself,
And all the people in my life,
Who've helped to make money uncomfortable.

More at
Use Emotional Freedom Technique to tap away your negative beliefs around Wealth and Abundance.This video is based on an EFT script by Brad Yates, who put together a programme with Joe Vitale from The Secret. It's a very powerful way to clear your resistance to bringing more money into your life.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Tap O' The Evenin' with Brad Yates - EFT

Whether you checked out the Tap O' The Mornin' video (below) or not, here's a great EFT way to unwind (using EFT tapping), relax before going to bed and have a good night sleep. Read more about EFT in my previous post.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tap O' the Mornin' with Brad Yates - EFT

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is best explained as "acupuncture without needles" or "emotional version of acupuncture" because it stimulates the same energy meridian points on your body as acupuncture does. EFT is also known as "tapping" for the simple reason that one uses fingertips to tap certain points of the body (energy meridian points).

EFT is based on EFT Discovery Statement which says that...

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

and another well known fact that...

"Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."

This knowledge and technique has been known in Eastern world for more than 5,000 years and today many people are successfully applying EFT to deal with many issues they face in their lives, on emotional and/or physical level. Even though EFT has been proven to work in numerous cases where nothing else did, it is not 100 percent and everyone should consult about their individual problems with licensed practitioners. But for starters, you are more than welcome to begin your day more positively by tapping with Brad Yates. Watch the video below and see if this resonates with you.

To learn more about EFT, here are a few good websites to go to:


Tuesday, April 15, 2008


There's a lot of buzz all over the Internet about outsourcing and how profitable it might be to

  • help you work less,
  • accomplish your projects faster and
  • make more money at the same time.

Many Internet marketing gurus were speaking about it and "giving away their secrets to outsourcing" and (others) giving away their secrets to successful outsourcing but it looks like what Jeff Mills, the Minister of Marketing, as he calls himself, is willing to share with a very limited number of people in the near future, is more than worth checking out.

Several videos with loads of useful info is already available on his blog and the best is yet to come. If this triggers a spark of interest in your heart (or gut) - check it out for yourself!

