Tuesday, June 24, 2008

183 Viral Marketing Tools

Before the massive success of Hypnotic
Marketing 2.0, one of Dr. Joe Vitale's
previous best-sellers was the book
"Hypnotic Traffic Tools: How 183 Viral
Marketing Tools Can Help You Double
Your Sales!"


Because if you can harness the raw
power of viral marketing, it's like cloning
yourself 1000's of times or having a
full-time marketing staff of 100 people
working around the clock for you.

Think about it.

Did you ever see the videos where
the guys put things like ipods, iphones,
and other objets into a blender?

Millions of people watched those
videos, and sales for the blender went
through the roof.

They simply recored a video, put
it out there, and let the power of
viral marketing take over.

You see this happen all of the time
with videos on YouTube. Some
videos have millions and millions
of views.

And online video is just one of the
many ways to make viral marketing
work for you and your business.

And speaking of your business, what
have you done lately to market your
business virally?

If you're like most people, the answer
is.... nothing.

Isn't it time you changed that?

Imagine if you could combine the
power of Hypnotic Marketing with
Social Media Marketing with Viral
Marketing with Hypnotic Blogging,
all rolled into one heavy-hitting
knock-out package?

Now you can.

In fact...

We've added yet another bonus to
Hypnotic Marketing 2.0!

If you're a current customer, please
log into your private members area and
refresh the page to see your new
Hypnotic Traffic Tools bonus already added.

Hypnotic Marketing 2.0

Because we want to provide you with
everything you need, and to ensure
that you get your viral marketing
campaign started off right, we're
now including Dr. Joe Vitale's best
selling ebook: "Hypnotic Traffic Tools"
along with your Hypnotic Marketing 2.0

Hypnotic Marketing 2.0

We'd love to list all of the new
bonuses we've added to the
members area since we've launched,
but to be honest, we've lost count!

The members area is JAM PACKED
with Hypnotic Marketing information,
Social Media Marketing information,
Hypnotic Blogging information, Viral
Marketing Information... there are more
than 13 bonuses now!

Take a look:

Hypnotic Marketing 2.0

Now obviously we cannot keep this
offer up forever. Over the last few
weeks we've added hundreds of
dollars of more bonuses - even after
we launched Hypnotic Marketing 2.0!

This is it - your last chance.

And look... let's be honest here. If you
haven't secured your copy of HM 2.0
and all of the bonuses yet, we think
we know why...

1. You don't think you'll learn anything new

2. You don't believe us

3. You think this is 'too good to be true'

4. Someone hypnotized you not to

5. You think you've learned all there
is to learn

6. You _______ while ________ and
__________ on the __________.

7. You've been afraid to go to the site:

Let's be straight up with each other here...

What are you really afraid of?


Maybe you haven't scrolled all the way
to the bottom of Joe's letter? Ahhhh!
That's it!

Here's the deal...

Dr. Joe Vitale is offering you a full one year,
no-questions-asked 100% $ back guarantee.

A full year.


Dr. Joe Vitale is standing behind HM 2.0 100%
and we'd hate to see you miss out on this.

Just ONE idea generated from this
material could change everything for

When will you finally put the power of
Social Media Marketing to work for you?

Hypnotic Social Media Marketing will
revolutionize your online business:

Hypnotic Marketing 2.0

- Matt Gill
Nitro Marketing

P.S... By the way. Have you ever
wondered what we do for those who
order Hypnotic Marketing 2.0? Do you
ever wonder what we could be emailing
them about. Well, we are sending an
email tomorrow to all Hypnotic Marketing
2.0 customers that will totally
blow you away. Seriously. You do not
want to miss it. Become a customer now
and watch for an email from us about
the big announcement.

Hint: We are going to do something BIG
for you... helping drive tens of thousands
of visitors to your website... helping you
become known... helping you attract
affiliates, JV partners, customers, leads,
you name it. This is going to be huge
and you will not want to miss this email.

Come on in - join the fun!

--> Hypnotic Marketing 2.0

Digitage Web 2.0
