Saturday, June 5, 2010
Waterpik Ultra Dental Water Jet - Sponsored Post
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 9:37 PM 0 comments
The Trump Network - Sponsored Post
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Shift
THE SHIFT Movie Trailer from The Shift on Vimeo.
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Can Just Watching a 2 min Video Change Your Life??
Oh my goodness, I can't wait for you to SEE THIS!
I'm sorry if this seems a bit rushed, but once I got my hands on
what this guy is GIVING AWAY at the end of his video...
Well, I thought I was going to explode!
Or at the very least, dislocate my fingers trying to type this to
you as fast as I could.
Let me just sum it up for you in a few words...
This could totally transform your life!
I'm going on record right now to tell you
this one thing alone will totally change how
fast you can manifest ANYTHING you want
into your life.
You'll see when you try it.
OK, let me calm down and explain...
This guy from Australia found an incredible way to make
his manifestations become his reality.
In fact, he did it so fast, he went from working in a
sweaty factory packing boxes--to super successful
entrepreneur--in the first 90-days he used it!
And then he found out ANYBODY who used
this could do it too.
It's so cool! Because when you do what he did...
You Can Fire Your Boss Too!
It's powerful, it's easy, and it's FAST.
Please, do yourself a favor.
If you truly want to attract anything you want...
If you want it to happen almost automatically...
If you would LOVE to see your life transformed...
Watch the video all the way to the end!
I want to hear from you after you start using the
gifts he is giving away today, OK?
Tell me what happens for YOU!
All the best,
P.S. I really don't think Ryan will be giving this away for
long. He believes in abundance, which is why he is doing this
at all. Do NOT miss this!
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: internet marketing, Law of Attraction, manifesting, relationships, video, viral
Monday, July 7, 2008
How To Make Your Ex Return Your Call
Are there 'magic' words you can use
to get your ex to return your phone calls?
Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words
that will nearly cast a spell and make your ex
feel almost compelled to return your call.
Cool huh?...
I am going to share this with you because
this is one of the biggest questions coming in
from the over 35,000 subscribers just
like you that are trying to put their relationship
back together.
So I am going to answer..."How do I get
my ex to return my phone call, text or IM?"
In the Magic Of Making Up, I lay
out a complete strategy.
If you use this technique alone, without
an 'overall' plan or may
damage your relationship more than if
they never returned your call.
What NOT to Say!
Before we get into the actual words, let's
go over what message almost NEVER
and worse...
Puts you in an AWFUL 'psychological' position.
These usually fall into 2 categories.
The PLEAD- Where the message sounds like
"John, please, please call me. This is the 3rd
time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you."
"Cindy, this is an emergency. Please call me
as soon as you get this."
Now, I think you can see what is wrong with
both of those approaches?
So, I won't go on and on...
How To Use Curiosity & Self Interest
To Your Advantage
Two of the most powerful forces in
the human mind are
*Curiosity &
*Self Interest
And here's the BIG SECRET!
When you combine the two, you
have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'
Let's look at what you can say
that works nearly EVERY TIME.
In a friendly tone:
"Hi John. It's Cindy. I wanted to let
you know I appreciate what you did for
me. Call me because I want to thank you
in person."
Do you see how that uses BOTH curiosity
and self interest?
John will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?"
"What does she appreciate?" he will be thinking. And
he feels good because it is a positive message.
Before you call you need to do the
"Set Up"...which is figuring out what
he/she did that you appreciate.
It can be any small thing...but needs to
be plausible.
But more importantly...
Please have an underlying strategy
like I lay out in the Magic Of Making Up System BEFORE you call.
If you apply this technique with
no underlying strategy and they
call you back you can do more
DAMAGE than good if you do not
handle it correctly.
What I am saying is...
What you do before, during and
after you get them to return your
call is MORE important than getting
them to return your call.
Make sense?
Have a PLAN!
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: electronic booklet, relationships, tutorials, websites
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Getting into a Private or Independent School
Are you sure your child's knowledge is sufficient to excel in ISEE or SSAT Exam?
Unfortunately, You only get one chance to excel on these very crucial tests and according to statistics, 3 out of 4 applicants are rejected.
Instead of having regrets, you can do a lot to bet prepaired:
- take advantage of online tutoring program and maximize your child's chances to score high
- to write "The Perfect Essay
- and get accepted into the finest private schools
Under the guidance of tutors that make learning fun and easy:
- Test Prep guru, professional writer, Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude (Dartmouth), and Rhodes Scholar candidate - Heather Spiegel
- renowned tutor, MA and PhD UC Berkeley - Dr. Ralph Georgy
Program includes hundreds of sample test prep questions in both the ISEE & SSAT formats. Your child will have weeks of practice in
- math
- reading comprehension
- sentence completion
- analogies
- and synonyms
And your child will not be all alone when practicing for the exam. Each question has a moderated explanation so they will learn not only the correct answer, but how the correct answer was arrived at.
Each segment is graded so the student can assess where they are strong and where they need more practice.

A private school in Töölö, Helsinki. This fall it has had a beautiful red vines growing on it's front wall that just begged to be captured.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Download videos like a pro
- videos from:
- YouTube
- Metacafe
- iFlim
- Dailymotion
- and many other video sites
- music
- TV shows
- and more
straight to your:
- computer hard drive or your
- iPod
and watch them any time later (or again and again) at your convenience?
Yes, you can - check it out for yourself!

Monday, June 30, 2008
New Video Contest: Here's why you should enter
Over the last couple of weeks, I've been watching the pre-launch of a really impressive and brand new video contest that just launched on June 1st.
The prize?
A complete business makeover worth over $15,000. The prize package includes airfare, hotel, and you get to spend a full day with Internet Marketing experts who are there to help completely transform your business.
For more details, go to: New Video Contest
Who should enter?
What's really interesting about this contest, is that really anyone who does any business on the Internet could really make out well here. Not only could you win the grand prize, but there are many other prizes available as well.
And here's the big one...
The amount of traffic this could drive to your website is mind-boggling. You're not only entering a contest, but you're also a part of a huge viral marketing campaign where thousands and thousands of people will see your video and your website.
Talk about an opportunity within an opportunity!
Once you enter, post the link to your video here and I'll be sure to check it out and vote on it for you!
The contest ends on July 14, 2008, so hurry! Go to: New Video Contest
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: internet marketing, Joe Vitale, video, viral, websites
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Internet Marketing Going Hypnotic?
and I was blown away! I've never
seen anything like this before...
After spending a little time watching
all of these videos, I came up with a
ton of new and fresh ideas on how I
could market my business, and I know
you will too.
Some of these videos will make you
Some will make you cry....
Some will make you say WOW!...
Some will give you some BIG ideas...
And some will make you say, "What
in the &$#&%!!!!???? just like I did
when I watched the one on THIS page.
There are some creative people out
there, that's for sure!

Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: internet marketing, Joe Vitale, viral, websites
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wanna Go Viral?
Something revolutionary is coming along.
Something that has the potential to
explode your Nitro Marketing commission
checks beyond what you may think is
Sound like hype?
Ha ha. No, not at all.
Just wait until you see the video...
We know that this is going to get very
big very quickly, so you will need to
move FAST.
For the first time ever, the market is
completely wide open...
Internet Marketers
Restaurant Owners
Lawn Care Companies
ClickBank Merchants and Affiliates
eBay Sellers
Retail Store Owners
Pest Control Companies
Printing Companies
Computer Repair Shops
Affiliate Marketers
Auto Dealerships
And thousands of others...
Anyone who owns a business and
has an Internet presence is a potential
There's a lot to it, so here's how you
can get in on the largest promotion
we're doing in 2008...
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: internet marketing, viral, websites
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
183 Viral Marketing Tools
Before the massive success of Hypnotic
Marketing 2.0, one of Dr. Joe Vitale's
previous best-sellers was the book
"Hypnotic Traffic Tools: How 183 Viral
Marketing Tools Can Help You Double
Your Sales!"
Because if you can harness the raw
power of viral marketing, it's like cloning
yourself 1000's of times or having a
full-time marketing staff of 100 people
working around the clock for you.
Think about it.
Did you ever see the videos where
the guys put things like ipods, iphones,
and other objets into a blender?
Millions of people watched those
videos, and sales for the blender went
through the roof.
They simply recored a video, put
it out there, and let the power of
viral marketing take over.
You see this happen all of the time
with videos on YouTube. Some
videos have millions and millions
of views.
And online video is just one of the
many ways to make viral marketing
work for you and your business.
And speaking of your business, what
have you done lately to market your
business virally?
If you're like most people, the answer
is.... nothing.
Isn't it time you changed that?
Imagine if you could combine the
power of Hypnotic Marketing with
Social Media Marketing with Viral
Marketing with Hypnotic Blogging,
all rolled into one heavy-hitting
knock-out package?
Now you can.
In fact...
We've added yet another bonus to
Hypnotic Marketing 2.0!
If you're a current customer, please
log into your private members area and
refresh the page to see your new
Hypnotic Traffic Tools bonus already added.
Hypnotic Marketing 2.0
Because we want to provide you with
everything you need, and to ensure
that you get your viral marketing
campaign started off right, we're
now including Dr. Joe Vitale's best
selling ebook: "Hypnotic Traffic Tools"
along with your Hypnotic Marketing 2.0
Hypnotic Marketing 2.0
We'd love to list all of the new
bonuses we've added to the
members area since we've launched,
but to be honest, we've lost count!
The members area is JAM PACKED
with Hypnotic Marketing information,
Social Media Marketing information,
Hypnotic Blogging information, Viral
Marketing Information... there are more
than 13 bonuses now!
Take a look:
Hypnotic Marketing 2.0
Now obviously we cannot keep this
offer up forever. Over the last few
weeks we've added hundreds of
dollars of more bonuses - even after
we launched Hypnotic Marketing 2.0!
This is it - your last chance.
And look... let's be honest here. If you
haven't secured your copy of HM 2.0
and all of the bonuses yet, we think
we know why...
1. You don't think you'll learn anything new
2. You don't believe us
3. You think this is 'too good to be true'
4. Someone hypnotized you not to
5. You think you've learned all there
is to learn
6. You _______ while ________ and
__________ on the __________.
7. You've been afraid to go to the site:
Let's be straight up with each other here...
What are you really afraid of?
Maybe you haven't scrolled all the way
to the bottom of Joe's letter? Ahhhh!
That's it!
Here's the deal...
Dr. Joe Vitale is offering you a full one year,
no-questions-asked 100% $ back guarantee.
A full year.
Dr. Joe Vitale is standing behind HM 2.0 100%
and we'd hate to see you miss out on this.
Just ONE idea generated from this
material could change everything for
When will you finally put the power of
Social Media Marketing to work for you?
Hypnotic Social Media Marketing will
revolutionize your online business:
Hypnotic Marketing 2.0
- Matt Gill
Nitro Marketing
P.S... By the way. Have you ever
wondered what we do for those who
order Hypnotic Marketing 2.0? Do you
ever wonder what we could be emailing
them about. Well, we are sending an
email tomorrow to all Hypnotic Marketing
2.0 customers that will totally
blow you away. Seriously. You do not
want to miss it. Become a customer now
and watch for an email from us about
the big announcement.
Hint: We are going to do something BIG
for you... helping drive tens of thousands
of visitors to your website... helping you
become known... helping you attract
affiliates, JV partners, customers, leads,
you name it. This is going to be huge
and you will not want to miss this email.
Come on in - join the fun!
--> Hypnotic Marketing 2.0
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: electronic booklet, Joe Vitale, websites
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Live Video by Pat O'Bryan
Great live videos and community, interesting guests, including Joe Vitale and many others.
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Joe Vitale, Pat O'Bryan, web TV
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Great Website about Less Known Capital City in Central Europe
There's a real nice website all ready to receive visitors from around the globe - about the capital of Slovenia.
So, go find out how this place with less than 300,000 inhabitants and more than 50,000 college students got its hard to pronounce name, what is Ljubljana dragon doing on the top of the castle tower, what are Jason and the Argonauts from Greek mithology guilty of and much, much more.
The best thing is that this webpage is very interactive, you get to vote on several different aspects about Slovenia, even on which song should really be Slovenian national anthem. Enjoy! :)
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Worthy Cause: Donate or Tithe - Whatever Feels Right to You...
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: gifts from the heart
Friday, May 2, 2008
EFT & Ho'oponopono with Brad Yates
Here's the marriage of two powerful methods: EFT and Ho'oponopono. As Brad says, this tapping session is 'sweet and short' and really worth checking out! :)
Posted by Stop Energy Drains at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Brad Yates, EFT, Ho'oponopono, Joe Vitale